Emotional Permanence – It’s A Big Deal.

Emotional Permanence – It’s A Big Deal.

As a licensed professional counselor, I write a lot of blog posts about important concepts to understand for those of us with ADHD, Anxiety, Autism, and/or various forms of neurodivergence. This week, it’s time to discuss Emotional Permanence, and y’all, this is a big...
Anxiety and John Prine

Anxiety and John Prine

Anxiety can become crippling. It can overwhelm us with worry and dread, leaving us little recourse against the threats we perceive all around us. Mental energy is required to manage our emotions, but Anxiety often leaves us very little energy to work with. It burns...
Free To Create It!

Free To Create It!

Here’s some advice from a viral golden nugget that started circulating around 2019 or earlier. It’s entitled “Reminders for the Anxious/Depressed Creatives”, and it offers this advice: “You are more than what you make. Your productivity does not determine your value....